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Cleanroom Training - Auditing Cleaning - MV-CCP-0624
'A self-evident truth is that if you don't get your cleaning right you're in for trouble. So, when auditing vendors, contractors or internally for the quality of cleaning, a lot rests on the auditor's observations...' This program is part of the GMP and Quality Auditing Series.
The risk
Auditing the cleaning
Auditing validation of cleaning
Run Time: 17 minutes
Product Code: MV-CCP-0624 - Auditing Cleaning, Cleanroom GMP Training, Single User
In addition to the Cleanroom Training Videos, Cleanroom World offers cleanroom training, ESD training, and GMP training, at our state-of-the-art cleanroom training center, which is located in the Denver metro area.
For more options, visit our main section for GMP training videos for cleanrooms and labs.