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Cleanroom Training - Safety In Cleanrooms - MV-CCP-0416
The often hazardous materials used in cleanroom operations and the unnatural clothing and behavior necessary, combine to make is essential that each operator is fully trained in all aspects of safety for working in cleanrooms. Topics are: accidents are avoidable, hazardous materials, cleanroom hazards- fire, explosion, toxic, physical, storage & handling, dealing with emergencies.
Cleanroom hazards: fire, explosions, toxicity, physical
Hazardous materials: flammable, reactive, corrosive, poison/toxic
Hazardous materials: handling and storage
Dealing with emergencies: water based, foam, carbon dioxide, powder
Run Time: 29 minutes
Network Licensed Video File
This format includes an optimized digital video file (MPG4) for use on a computer network. There is an accompanying HTML5 menu page and assessment. The accompanying license permits simultaneous network viewing at one named facility. Larger networks available on request.
Product Code: MV-CCP-0416 - Safety in Cleanrooms, Cleanroom Training, Single User
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