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Cleanroom Cleaner - MicroNova - Nova Clean - Floor Cleaner - Concentrate - Gallons - MN-NC-1
NovaClean Floor Cleaner is an all-purpose cleanroom cleaner filtered to 0.1 microns. At the recommended dilution the formula has sodium and potassium levels detectable only in parts per billion. With no mobile ions the NovaClean will not generate a static charge and with no residue build up it will not affect the efficiency of conductive flooring. NovaClean Floor Cleaner is a concentrate which will yield 60-128 gallons of cleaning solution per gallon container. NovaClean is antistatic and an excellent choice for antistatic floors. Will not leave a residue. Gallon container- 4 gallons/case. Sold per gallon.
Filtered to 0.1 Microns, Low Sodium, Bio-degradable, Free Rinsing
Concentrated Formula = Mix 1 oz. per gallon of water
AVAILABLE: Quarts, Gallons and 5 Gallon Containers
Product Code: MN-NC-1 MicroNova NovaClean Floor Cleaner, 4 Gallons per Case, Price per Gallon
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Shipping Instructions: The cleanroom cleaner can ship via UPS or FedEx. The order ships collect or prepay and add to the invoice. If shipping collect, add your freight account number in the "comments Box" when checking out. Customer is responsible for the freight charge.
In addition to cleanroom cleaner, we also offer a variety of other Cleanroom Cleaning Supplies including: cleanroom mops, cleanroom disinfectants, cleanroom vacuum cleaners, and tacky rollers.