Cleanroom Vacuums And Accessories
At Cleanroom World we carry a variety of cleanroom vacuums and accessories, including hoses and bags. The vacuums are ideal for all types of sterile environments, including cleanrooms, labs and manufacturing facilities.
We carry cleanroom vacuums from Nilfisk and Minuteman, which are some of the top manufacturers of cleanroom vacuums.
Our selection of cleanroom vacuums includes:
•stainless steel cleanroom vacuums
•wet-dry cleanroom vacuums
•dry cleanroom vacuums
•HEPA filtered cleanroom vacuums
•backpack cleanroom vacuums
•cleanroom vacuums on wheels
•cleanroom vacuums on trolleys
•RFI / EMI cleanroom vacuums
•ULPA filtered cleanroom vacuums
•explosion proof cleanroom vacuums
•cleanroom vacuums with ESD conductive hoses
•lab vacuums
•asbestos vacuums
•pharmaceutical vacuums
•biohazard vacuums
Our sizes of cleanroom vacuums include:
•1.8 gallon cleanroom vacuums (the backpack model)
•3.25 gallon cleanroom vacuums
•4 gallon cleanroom vacuums
•6 gallon cleanroom vacuums
•15 gallon cleanroom vacuums
Classifications Of Cleanroom Vacuums
We have cleanroom vacuums for the following classifications:
•Class 100 cleanroom vacuums
•Class 1000 cleanroom vacuums
•Class 10,000 cleanroom vacuums
•Class 100,000 cleanroom vacuums
•ISO 5 cleanroom vacuums
•ISO 6 cleanroom vacuums
•ISO 7 cleanroom vacuums
•ISO 8 cleanroom vacuums
In addition to cleanroom vacuums, we also carry vacuum hoses, vacuum bags, and vacuum tool kits.
If you have any questions about which cleanroom vacuum is right for you, please call us at+86 13390692151 or e-mail
Portable Cleanroom Vacuums
Portable cleanroom vacuums can be used to clean a variety of surfaces within cleanrooms, labs, manufacturing facilities, and other sterile environments. Our selection of portable cleanroom vacuums includes backpack cleanroom vacuums, lightweight cleanroom vacuums that weigh less than 11 pounds, cleanroom vacuums on wheels, and cleanroom vacuums on trolleys.
Nilfisk Cleanroom Vacuums
Nilfisk cleanroom vacuums are some of the best vacuum cleaners on the market. Since 1906, Nilfisk has been manufacturing cleaning products for a wide range of industries. And they were the first company to make cleanroom vacuums, including HEPA cleanroom vacuums and ULPA cleanroom vacuums.
HEPA Cleanroom Vacuums
HEPA stands for “High-Efficiency Particulate Air,” and HEPA cleanroom vacuums can remove contaminants from surfaces and the air. When vacuums with standard filters remove particles from surfaces, many particles (such as pollen, dander, and dust mites) are circulated right back into the air. A HEPA-filtered cleanroom vacuums, on the other hand, forces the air through a fine-mesh, fiberglass filter that’s able to trap tiny air-borne particles.
ULPA Cleanroom Vacuums
ULPA cleanroom vacuums provide an even higher level of filtration than HEPA cleanroom vacuums. ULPA stands for “Ultra-Low Particular Air,” and ULPA cleanroom vacuums are able to remove 99.999% of particulate matter.
HEPA Cleanroom Vacuums vs ULPA Cleanroom Vacuums
HEPA cleanroom vacuums and ULPA cleanroom vacuums both trap contaminants through diffusion, interception, and impaction. But ULPA cleanroom vacuums are more effective at removing submicron particulate matter. In ULPA cleanroom vacuums, the filters are denser than the filters in HEPA cleanroom vacuums. Because of the denser filters in ULPA cleanroom vacuums, more power is required to move the air.
Comparisons of Filtration In Cleanroom Vacuums:
HEPA Filters: 99.7% of particles down to 0.3 microns
ULPA Filters: 99.999% of particles down to 0.12 microns
Wet-Dry HEPA Cleanroom Vacuums
Wet-dry HEPA cleanroom vacuums have HEPA filtration and can simultaneously pickup up wet debris and dry debris. No special adapters or filter switching are required with this type of versatile cleanroom vacuum.
GM80 Cleanroom Vacuums
The Nilfisk GM80 cleanroom vacuum is extremely popular, and we have it available in a variety of models, including the HEPA-filtered GM80 cleanroom vacuum and the ULPA-filtered GM80 cleanroom vacuum.