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Cleanroom Mop - MicroNova - Slim Line Slip Cover - Polyester - Irradiated 18"L
The cleanroom polyester slip cover is offered with enclosed seams and urethane foam interior. The SlimLine Slip Cover attaches to the MN-QDSL series of adapters to create a flat pad mop with 360º swivel and ultimate maneuverability. This cleanroom mop cover is resistant to strong disinfectants and cleaners. Holds up to multiple autoclave and laundry cycles. Mop slip cover is irradiated. Sold in case quantities only - 12 mop heads per case. Sizes 9", 14" and 18".
Product code: MN-SLSC6-18IR Irradiated MicroNova SlimLine Slip Covers, Polyester, Size: 4" x 18", 12/Case
For more options, visit our main section for MicroNova cleanroom mops or our main section for cleanroom mops and cleanroom mopping systems.
To order the MicroNova irradiated mop covers, click tab above, call customer service at (303)752-0076, or email sale@kfqizhongji.com
Shipping Instructions: The MicroNova irradiated mop covers ship via UPS or FedEx. The order ships collect or prepay and add to the invoice. If shipping collect, add your freight account number in the “Comments Box” when checking out. Customer is responsible for the freight charge.
In addition to MicroNova irradiated mop covers, we also offer a variety of cleanroom consumables including face masks, cleanroom gloves, shoe covers and boot covers.