ESD Test Equipment
At Cleanroom World, we have ESD test equipment that can be used in a variety of settings, including: cleanrooms, labs, manufacturing facilities, and other environments.
Our selection of ESD test equipment includes:
•ESD testers (static meter, digital)
•ESD testers (point to point and ground)
•ESD testers (for wrist straps and heel straps)
•ESD testers (resistance to ground tester)
•pocket-size digital surface resistance test kits
•pocket-size digital surface resistance verification kits
•pocket-size electrostatic field meters
•travel surface resistance meter kits
•digital surface resistance kits
•surface resistance test kits
•electrostatic field meter verification kits
•high resistance test kits
•surface resistance probes
•concentric ring probes
•2-sided probes
•2-point probes
•combination wrist strap and footwear ESD testing station
•single wire continuous monitors
•charge plate detectors for static meters
If you have any questions about our ESD test equipment, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail
For other ESD products, visit our main section for ESD products, supplies, and equipment.