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Cylinder Removal Tool - WW-COOLTOOL
The gas lift removal tool is used by installing the removal tool on the top part of the lift, as close as possible to the control. The tool makes it very simple to remove the chair cylinder.
1) Extend chair to the highest seating position
2) Turn chair to an upside down position
3) Install the gaslift removal tool on the top part of the lift, as close as possible to the control. (If chair is equipped with a telescopic, it can be taped to the five star base, so it is out of the way.)
4) Apply lifting force to either the lift or to one of the legs at the five star base, with one hand. With the hammer in the other hand, give the gaslift removal tool several solid hits, on the flat part. Always use safety glasses.
NOTE: if gaslift does not separate from control, apply WD-40 where lift is embedded in control. Wait approximately 20 minutes and repeat step 4.
WW-COOLTOOL Chair Gaslift Cylinder Removal Tool
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