Cleanroom Construction Components
At Cleanroom World we have a large selection of cleanroom components – for you to build out your own cleanroom or replace parts. These components can be used in cleanrooms, labs, manufacturing facilities, and other sterile environments.
Our selection of cleanroom components includes:
•cleanroom ceiling tiles
•cleanroom LED ceiling lights
•cleanroom strip doors (vinyl)
•cleanroom curtains (vinyl)
•motorized HEPA filters for ceilings
•motorized HEPA filters for ceiling fans
•HEPA-filtered air conditioning units (AC units)
•low-outgassing pass throughs for cleanrooms
•fire-rated pass throughs for cleanrooms
•HEPA-filtered pass throughs for cleanrooms
•acrylic pass throughs for cleanrooms
•cart pass throughs for cleanrooms
•double-door stainless steel pass throughs for cleanrooms
•specimen pass throughs
•cleanroom construction tape
•cleanroom tape for support areas
•cleanroom centerfold film (clear, anti-static)
If you have any questions about our cleanroom construction components, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail
You can also visit our main section for portable cleanrooms and modular cleanrooms.