Stainless Steel Lab Prep Tables
At Cleanroom World we have more than 300 stainless steel prep tables for cleanrooms, labs, manufacturing facilities and other sterile environments.
The stainless steel prep tables come in a variety of sizes, configurations, and finishes – ranging from budget to premium-grade.
Our selection of stainless steel prep tables includes:
•type 430 stainless steel prep tables
•type 304 stainless steel prep tables
•stainless steel prep tables with lower shelves
•stainless steel prep tables with upturns
•stainless steel prep tables with backsplashes
•stainless steel prep tables with backsplashes and shelves
•stainless steel prep tables with heavy gauge stainless steel tops
If you need help choosing the stainless steel prep table that’s right for you, please call+86 13390692151.
Please note: In addition to stainless steel prep tables, we also have a large selection of electropolished stainless steel tables, stainless steel lab tables and cabinets, stainless steel enclosed tables, stainless steel tables with wheels, and more
Check out our selection of type 316 stainless steel tables for cleanrooms, labs, and manufacturing facilities.