Motorized Shoe Cleaners for Cleanrooms and Labs
At Cleanroom World, we have a variety of motorized shoe cleaners that work well in cleanrooms, labs and manufacturing facilities.
Our motorized shoe cleaners (also known as “automatic shoe cleaners”) are often placed in gowning rooms, where they can remove the dust and particles from shoes and boots.
On the motorized shoe cleaner models that have internal vacuum systems, dust and particles from shoes are drawn into a vacuum bag, which can be easily changed (no tools required).
On the motorized shoe cleaner models that have external vacuum systems, the shoe cleaning machine attaches to the cleanroom or central vacuum system.
Our motorized shoe cleaners for cleanrooms and labs come in a variety of configurations:
•motorized shoe cleaner with 1 rotating brush and 3 stationary brushes (internal vacuum)
•motorized shoe cleaner with 3 rotating brushes (internal vacuum)
•motorized shoe cleaner with 4 rotating brushes (internal vacuum)
•motorized shoe cleaner with 4 rotating brushes (external vacuum)
HEPA filters come standard on the motorized shoe cleaners.
The motorized shoe cleaners are easy-to-use and easy-to-maintain, and are capable of cleaning any size of shoe or boot.
Choose The Motorized Shoe Cleaner That Works Best For You
We offer five different models of motorized shoe cleaners for cleanrooms and labs, with HEPA filters and internal and external vacuums.
Motorized Shoe Cleaner #1 – 1 Rotating Brush, 3 Stationary Brushes, HEPA Filter, Internal Vacuum
Our most affordable motorized shoe cleaner, this model has four brushes and an internal vacuum. Inside the motorized shoe cleaner, there’s a rotating brush that’s positioned to clean the bottom of shoes, as well as two stationary side brushes and a stationary brush at the front of the machine for the toe part of shoes. This motorized shoe cleaner has an internal vacuum and doesn’t need to be connected to a centralized vacuum system.
Motorized Shoe Cleaner #2 – 3 Rotating Brushes, HEPA Filter, Internal Vacuum
This mid-range model of our motorized shoe cleaners with internal vacuums comes with three rotating brushes. The rotating brushes are designed to clean the sides of shoes (2 brushes), as well as the bottom of shoes (1 brush). This motorized shoe cleaner has an internal vacuum and doesn’t need to be connected to a centralized vacuum system.
Motorized Shoe Cleaner #3 – 4 Rotating Brushes, HEPA Filter, Internal Vacuum
This motorized shoe cleaner is the top of the line for our models with internal vacuum systems. Designed with four rotating brushes that are located at the sides (2 brushes), bottom (1 brush) and front (1 brush), this motorized shoe cleaner does a much more thorough job of cleaning shoes than competitors’ models that are far more expensive. With it’s internal vacuum, this motorized shoe cleaner doesn’t need to be connected to a centralized vacuum system.
Motorized Shoe Cleaner #4 – 1 Rotating Brush, 3 Stationary Brushes, HEPA Filter, External Vacuum
This motorized shoe cleaner with external vacuum has one rotating brush on the bottom of the machine and three stationary brushes positioned to clean the sides and toes of shoes. This motorized shoe cleaner is designed to be connected to the central vacuum system in a cleanroom or lab.
Motorized Shoe Cleaner #5 – 4 rotating Brushes, HEPA Filter, External Vacuum
Our top of the line motorized shoe cleaner with external vacuum, this machine has four rotating brushes that are strategically placed to thoroughly clean shoes. There’s a rotating brush on each side of the machine, as well as a rotating brush that’s placed at the front of the machine and a rotating brush that’s on the bottom of the machine. This motorized shoe cleaner is designed to be connected to the central vacuum system in a cleanroom or lab.
Motorized Shoe Cleaners vs Other Shoe Cleaning Options
Motorized shoe cleaners are a fast and effective way to help ensure the integrity of your cleanroom. This type of automatic shoe cleaner uses an internal or external vacuum system to quickly and effectively clean shoes and boots.
If you’re considering buying a motorized shoe cleaner, compare this type of shoe cleaning device to other options.
Motorized Shoe Cleaners vs Shoe Covers (Booties)
We carry disposable shoe and boot covers (commonly referred to as booties), as well as reusable shoe and boot covers. These covers help prevent foreign particles that are on people’s shoes from falling off and getting into the cleanroom. When comparing this option to a motorized shoe cleaner, however, you need to consider the time it takes to put on shoe covers, the fact that people have to bend down or sit down to put them on, and the cost of using disposable shoe covers and washable shoe covers.
Motorized Shoe Cleaners vs Tacky Mats and Sticky Mats
Tacky mats (also known as sticky mats) can serve as an alternative to motorized shoe cleaners. The mats remove dirt, dust, lint, and other impurities and contaminants from the bottom of people’s shoes. When compared to motorized shoe cleaners, however, they don’t do as thorough of a job of cleaning the bottoms of shoes (and don’t clean the sides of shoes at all). Also, while you’ll incur a one-time charge when you buy a motorized shoe cleaner, if you elect to go with tacky mats or sticky mats instead, you’ll have ongoing costs.
Motorized Shoe Cleaners vs HealthySole UV Disinfection Equipment
While motorized shoe cleaners use vacuum power to clean shoes, the HealthySole machine uses UV light to disinfect shoes. The UV shoe cleaning equipment helps eliminate cross-contamination and is typically used as part of an infection control and prevention program. If you just need to clean shoes and prevent dirt, dust, lint, and the likes from entering your cleanroom, a motorized shoe cleaner would be the better choice.
Other Names For Motorized Shoe Cleaners
Motorized shoe cleaners are also often referred to by the following names:
•automatic cleanroom shoe cleaners
•automatic shoe cleaners
•automatic shoe cleaning machines
•cleanroom shoe cleaners
•motorized shoe cleaning machine