Cleanroom Lockers
At Cleanroom World we have cleanroom lockers for cleanrooms, labs, manufacturing facilities, and other sterile environments.
The cleanroom lockers are available in different sizes, configurations, and colors.
Our selection of cleanroom lockers includes:
•plastic lockers – 3 tiers
•plastic lockers – 4 tiers
•plastic lockers – 5 tiers
•plastic lockers – 6 tiers
•phenolic lockers – 3 tiers
•phenolic lockers – 5 tiers
•storage lockers – tall, with 1 compartment
•storage lockers – 2 tiers
•storage lockers – 3 tiers
The plastic cleanroom lockers are virtually maintenance-free – they won’t rust, rot, corrode, or fade.
The phenolic cleanroom lockers have stainless steel fasteners and are designed to stand up to the most extreme conditions of moisture and humidity.
If you have any questions about our cleanroom lockers, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail
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