Veltek Cleanroom Wipes
At Cleanroom World, we have a large selection of Veltek wipes for cleanrooms, labs, manufacturing facilities and other sterile environments.
Our selection of Veltek cleanroom wipes includes:
•non-sterile cleanroom wipes
•sterile cleanroom wipes
•pre-saturated sterile cleanroom wipes
•pre-saturated cleanroom wipes with hydrogen peroxide (6%)
•pre-saturated cleanroom wipes with hydrogen peroxide (3%)
•sterile wipes with 70% IPA
•polyester and cellulose cleanroom wipes
•Decon clean sterile wipes
•Steel-Bright cleanroom wipes (for cleaning stainless steel)
The Veltek cleanroom wipes come in a variety of sizes, including:
•9x9 inch Veltek cleanroom wipes
•12x12 inch Veltek cleanroom wipes
•18x18 inch Veltek cleanroom wipes
If you have any questions about our Veltek clean wipes, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail