Cleanroom Mop Handles
We offer an extensive selection of cleaning supplies for labs, manufacturing facilities, and cleanrooms, including mop handles.
Our cleanroom mop handle selection includes:
•stainless steel mop handles
•aluminum mop handles
•fixed length mop handles
•adjustable length mop handles
•broom handles
•cleanroom mop frames, with handles
•string mop handles
•squeegee adapters
•power head mop handles
•curtain cleaner handles
Some of the cleanroom mop handles are autoclavable.
Please note that in addition to cleanroom mop handles, we also have: cleanroom mops, mop buckets, mop heads (including autoclavable heads), mop wringers, and mop covers.
Check out our huge selection of cleanroom cleaning supplies, including mops, sponges, tacky rollers, and disinfectants and cleaners.