Cleanroom Sticky Notes
At Cleanroom World we have cleanroom sticky notes that are suitable for cleanrooms, labs, and manufacturing facilities.
Cleanroom sticky notes are specialized adhesive notepads that are designed for use in cleanrooms. While regular sticky notes can generate and accumulate dust and fibers, cleanroom sticky notes are manufactured to minimize the release of particles, fibers, and other contaminants that could compromise the cleanliness of the cleanroom environment. In addition, the adhesive used on cleanroom sticky notes is specially formulated to avoid leaving residue that could contaminate surfaces, equipment, or products. The cleanroom sticky notes can be used as reminders, messages, labels, bookmarks, visual aids, and more!
Our selection of cleanroom sticky notes includes:
•white cleanroom sticky notes
•blue cleanroom sticky notes
•3-inch x 3-inch cleanroom sticky notes
If you have any questions about our cleanroom sticky notes, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail
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