Cleanroom Disinfectants And Cleaning Products
At Cleanroom World, we have disinfectants and cleaning products for cleanrooms, labs, and manufacturing facilities.
Our large selection of cleanroom disinfectants and cleaning products includes:
•MicroNova NovaHol
•Sterile Contec Hydroklean (with 6% Hydrogen Peroxide and water)
•Hypo-Chlor (sodium hypochlorite)
•Decon-Spore (200 plus)
•Decon-Quat (200C)
•Decon-Phene (sodium phenol)
•Decon Cycle (germicidal detergent)
•Decon Clean
•Decon Hand
•sterile water
•sterile water aerosol spray
•Steri-ahol (denatured ethanol)
•Steri-perox (3% premixed concentration)
•Steri-perox (6% premixed concentration)
•pre-saturated disinfectant wipes
•cleanroom dust pans
If you have any questions about our cleanroom disinfectants and cleaning products, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail
Click here to see our large selection of cleanroom cleaning supplies.