Perfex Cleanroom Mops
At Cleanroom World we have Perfex mops for cleanrooms, labs and manufacturing facilities.
Our large selection of Perfex cleanroom mops and supplies includes:
•Perfex sponge mops
•Perfex sponge mops (with fused covers)
•Perfex Hydrosorb sponge mops
•Perfex Hydrosorb sponge mops (sterile)
•Perfex TruClean mop frames (304 stainless steel, quick squeeze release)
•Perfex polyester mops (continuous woven loop)
•Perfex microfiber mops
•Perfex antimicrobial mops
•Perfex mop slip covers
•Perfex perforated mop covers
•Perfex sterile slip covers
If you have any questions about our Perfex cleanroom mops, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail
Click here to see our large selection of cleanroom cleaning supplies.