Cleanroom Starter Kits
At Cleanroom World we carry a huge selection of cleaning supplies for cleanroom, labs, manufacturing facilities and other types of sterile environments.
If you’re setting up your first cleanroom or adding another cleanroom to your facility, we have just what you need – a cleanroom starter kit!
This cleanroom starter kit has all of the supplies you need to get going, including:
•cleanroom mop bucket
•cleanroom mop (string mop)
•cleanroom mop handle
•Nova cleanroom floor cleaner (1 gallon that yields 128 gallons)
•cleanroom wipes (4 bags of different types of cleanroom wipes)
•ESD cleaner (8-ounce bottle)
•cleanroom tacky mats (1 case with 30 mats that you secure directly to the floor)
If you have any questions about our cleanroom starter kit, or would like recommendations for cleanroom products and equipment, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail