Cleanroom Brushes, Brooms, and Scrapers
At Cleanroom World we have cleanroom brushes, brooms, and scrapers for cleanrooms, labs, and manufacturing facilities.
Our large selection of cleanroom brushes, brooms, and scrapers includes:
•cleanroom brooms (soft sweep)
•cleanroom brooms (stiff sweep)
•18-inch wide cleanroom brooms (soft sweep)
•24-inch wide cleanroom brooms (soft sweep)
•cleanroom brushes for countertops
•cleanroom cylinder brushes
•handheld cleanroom brushes (with short handles)
•handheld cleanroom brushes (with long handles)
•cleanroom hand scrapers (polypropylene)
•cleanroom paddle scrapers (polyethylene -with hard blades)
•cleanroom paddle scrapers (polyethylene -with soft blades)
•cleanroom dust pans
If you have any questions about our cleanroom brushes and brooms, please call+86 13390692151 or e-mail
Click here to see our large selection of cleanroom cleaning supplies.